Sunday, March 23, 2008

Frack! You Haven't Watched Battlestar Yet?!

Jay and I are trying to catch up and re-watch the first three seasons of Battlestar Galactica. Season four starts on April 4 and we are way excited. Season three was a weird season. It seemed to lull you into sleep with back-story and character development, then all of a sudden... BANG! A cliffhanger ending that most of us have had to wait nearly a year to see the resolution. If you haven't gotten into this show, you are missing out. It has been acclaimed as one of the best shows on television right now. Most of the actors are no names before this show aired. Edward James Olmos presents his best acting since Stand and Deliver (did you know he was in Blade Runner, too? He even made up a new language for his character!). I had heard of Mary McDonnell, but never remembered anything she was in. Everyone else is new. These actors are brilliant. Not good guys or bad guys, but just people going through immense drama.

With the acting and directing and the effects, watching an episode of Battlestar is like watching an Oscar-caliber movie (compared to some of the movies out there these days, that's not saying much). So, why haven't you watched it yet? Especially to all you Browncoats out there and Buffy the Vampire Slayer addicts, Joss Wedon has said it is one of his favorite shows right now. Rumors say that he was slated to direct and episode of Season Four, but it just didn't work out. If the reason you haven't watched it is because of the old-school show, dismiss that. This Battlestar is nothing like that.

Anyhoo, we're off to watch another episode this fine Sunday morning with our coffee. Jay and I finally got around to playing some Star Wars Miniatures. We've had the Force Unleashed set for months and haven't used them. Now, with the Legacy of the Force coming out soon, we figured it was time. So, go get the first mini-series of Battlestar and let us know what you think. If it doesn't make you want to go through Season three and find out what's All Along the Watchtower... well, there's no accounting for taste.

"Starbuck is frackin' awesome" Mae

1 comment:

Ariadne in Exile said...

Yay first comment!! I promise I'll get around to watching BSG eventually! But only as long as I'm not required to start saying "frack" cuz as alternate swearwords go, it just doesn't do it for me. :)